We Are All Immigrants

No matter where you start, and I can go back to where my mother’s family came over from England during the founding of this country, or entrants to her family from the Blackfoot Indians or my father’s family from Mexican Indians, someone, somewhere, in all our family histories was an immigrant to this continent. Even the American Indians walked or sailed here from somewhere. And with all that history of immigration, I am always amazed at America’s schizophrenic relationship with immigrants today. Schizophrenia that has a whole nation on the march to protest the crazy plans of small-minded fools in Congress.

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I Have a Heart Murmur

Whoosh, sha.. Woosh, sha.. This is the sound of my heart beating. This is what I hear as I lay on this table while I get a Doppler 2-D echocardiogram. On a screen behind me, the technician is watching my heart beat, using the Doppler to see where my blood is going. Looking for what my doctor suspects and I fear: the source of my heart murmur.

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San Francisco Seduction Tour

Back in 2002, I wandered through San Francisco on my famed California Hype Deflation Tour. That trip was really a reaction to Jingmei’s leaving and more a soul cleansing than a true adventure. This time I went for work, fun in its own right, but made sweeter with someone else’s per diem money.

This time I also stayed right downtown at the Cartwright Hotel, just off Union Square, which meant my morning runs, up Telegraph and Knob hill were real thigh burning fun. DC might have the Exorcist Stairs, but that ain’t nuttin compared to the 300+ stairs leading up to Telegraph Hill alone!

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Afro-Albinos @ Niketown

I’m in awe of the Niketown on Union Square. It’s so big, flashy, and new. It also has some rather striking male mannequins. Mannequins I’m not sure if I should applaud or decry.

First, I noticed they had white mannequins in the men’s soccer section and black mannequins in the men’s basketball section. Thinking this a little too stereotyping, I mentioned it to a Niketown staffer. She told me to take a closer look. So check out the photo to the left very carefully. Click on it for the larger Flickr version even.

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My Big MUNI Bitch

I am wandering San Francisco on a Jim’s Restaurant Sunday and in need of transportation to the Express for Men in the Stonestown Mall. How can I get there from downtown San Francisco? The MUNI of course!

Ah, but wait, to get on the MUNI you have to buy a single use ticket – $150 – in exact change. Okay, no problem, I’ll just make change… where? The MUNI transit officer tells me to use the BART ticket kiosk to make change. One useless BART ticket later I realize there is a little button on the side that gives change for MUNI.

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