ISO: Geekcorps Mali Program Manager

What a dream job – be a Geek in Mali with me as backup Your work commute Your fancy cubicle Your office view Your Happy Hour While in my joe-cool job with Geekcorps, I am constantly looking for ICT experts willing to take volunteer assignments in developing countries, this time…

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Smoke Free DC Please

Smoke free DC because I’m tried of your ash in my life. Like men who pee standing up, when you flick your ash, you spray it everywhere when you aim for the ashtray. It floats in the air too, landing in my drink, on my food, in my breath. Thanks. And when you’re not flicking ash, you’re tagging my new shirt with the lit end, burning a hole in my quality polyester.

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Mt. Vernon Trail News Flash

See, when you do that, swinging your teenage boyfriend out to the other side of the Mt. Vernon trail, a busy, narrow section at 6:45 pm on a Thursday, he’s gonna get hit. And not by some slow-moving jogger. No, by a very competitive triathlete who, unlike your idiot self, is focused on improving himself, and will be approaching you on a very expensive racing bicycle at very high speeds.

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Where’s My Wingman?

Flashback to 2002, and I am playing kickball on the National Mall. There, between flights of Matisse’s ‘La Negresse’ and living in cel phone hell I meet Matt P. He and I quickly become inseparable wingmen, tag-teaming the beauties of DC.
Then jump to spring 2003, when I style naturally in New Orleans with Yana, a woman who partied so hard that many of her stories sounded like the start of a police report; “So, I’m walking up 16th Street ’round 2 am, heels in my hand, drunk off my ass, and then…”, and the dastardly duo becomes a terrible threesome.

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Better Than a Devo Comeback Tour

Before they abandon me for a dance floor filled with the worst in bad white-man dancing, I get an earful of what women talk about when they’re out. Guys of course, with out-of-context phrases like “he’s dreamy,” and “scratching balls in public” or “gag reflex” I made my own storylines while sipping tasty beer + lime + ice.

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