Hire Me! ISO: A New Job in October

I’m proud to announce that USAID/Zambia is hiring a Zambian Digital Development Advisor to replace me. This is an awesome development. It shows the Mission is committed to digital development for the long term, and they will have a staff person able to dive into the minutia of ICT4D on a daily basis. A clear […]

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A New Day with Deloitte


Four years ago, my family and I rolled into North Carolina unhoused, unemployed, and unhappy after my Philippine dream job fiasco. There is nothing quite like losing your job, house, car, and school, and then fleeing a country to put you into a professional funk. Then my wife found at job at Duke, I found […]

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3 Lessons Learned From My Philippine Failure

What happens when you bet your career on an illusion, and lose. In December 2016, my family and I packed away our Washington, DC lives, sold everything, said goodbye to everyone, and embarked on a grand adventure: moving to the Philippines for a dream ICT4D job. Less than 4 months later, we were back in the […]

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Planting a Future in Philippine ICT4Rice

I am honored and humbled to announce that in January 2017, I will start a new job as the ICT4D lead at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI, pronounced “eerie”) in Los Baños, Philippines. This is an awesome opportunity for me to: Innovate with cutting-edge research that impacts more than 3 billion people worldwide who […]

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