What are the best ICT4D Books, Journals, Blogs, and Websites?
Recently my friend Sabahat asked a very intriguing question about information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D) that I could not answer quickly:
Hello Wayan – I am interested in the ways that technology can enhance dev work but I’m not a techno geek. What books and/or journals would you recommend to someone like me so I don’t sound like an idiot when talking with the tech folks on an ICT4D project?
I’m not a complete moron when it comes to tech stuff. It’s just that up to this point, I’ve been more of a consumer than “producer” of technology.
For someone who professes to be an expert in ICT, I was a bit taken back that I couldn’t reel off a dozen resources quickly. As a blogger more than a book reader, the best I could do was point to ICTworks.org, Educational Technology Debate, and the ICT4D RSS Feed I use to find content for both sites.
What I am missing are ICTD books and journals, and other blogs and websites. So please, do me a favor, list your favorites in the comments below. Especially books and journals, which are a big blind spot for me. I will compile everyone’s entries into a shared master list.
Thanks in advance.
A few suggestions from Twitter:
@hapeeg says:
ICTlogy http://ictlogy.net
IRDC http://web.idrc.ca/en/ev-23583-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html
@jcdonner says:
ICTD2007 https://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/india/events/ictd2007/
ICTD2009 http://www.scribd.com/doc/14234869/ICTD-2009-Proceedings
ICTD2010 http://www.ictd2010.org/
ITID http://itidjournal.org/itid
EJISDC http://www.ejisdc.org/ojs2/index.php/ejisdc
@MobileActive reminded me of their excellent site for mobile4dev: http://mobileactive.org
More links from the Twitterverse:
@Anandstweets says:
IDPM http://www.sed.manchester.ac.uk/idpm/research/publications/wp/di/index.htm
ICT4D Blog: https://ict4dblog.wordpress.com/
infoDev: http://www.infodev.org/en/Topic.13.html
ELDIS ICT: http://www.eldis.org/ict/
ICT Journal Ranking: https://ict4dblog.wordpress.com/2010/04/14/ict4d-journal-ranking-table/
IPID: http://www.humanit.org/PID/new/journals.html
@irenarco says:
Word Matters Book: http://vecam.org/article698.html?lang=en
And more links….
@ictlogist says:
ICT4D Scholarly Papers: http://ictlogy.net/bibciter/reports/types_categories.php?idcat=4
ICT4D Journals: http://ictlogy.net/wiki/index.php?title=Category:Journals_ICT4D
@CreyM says:
ICT4D Jester http://ict4djester.org/blog/
Steve Song: http://manypossibilities.net/