The Last Run of Taxi Dog

2021 > America

taxi dog

We are sad to say that Taxi Dog has gone to the big squirrel chase in the sky in April of 2021. Taxi was our first child, coming to us in early 2008 from the Washington DC Humane Society, where she won our hearts by being the only dog in the pack to return a thrown tennis ball to us.

This led to many years of chasing balls, squirrels, deer, UPS drivers, and anything else that ran faster than her in Washington, DC, the Philippines, and North Carolina. She exceeded 3,000 squirrel chase failures by the time of her passing, which was preceded in her final days by her giving up the squirrel chase.

Many moons ago, she gave up running 15-20 miles a week with me, which was followed last year by my giving up running as well. We still enjoyed long walks with her sniffing and pooping around the lake, till she could walk it no more.

She is survived by her human sisters Hanalei and Archer, and her loving parents, Amy and Wayan. She was preceded in death by her cousin Isabella Dog and her grandfather, Don Ross.

In lieu of flowers, gifts, or donations, please give your dog a hug, your cat a rub, and scare a squirrel or chase a deer for Taxi. I’m sure she’s having a good run through heaven’s woods just now, hot on the heels of squirrels and deer always just out of her reach.


After a few months of mourning, we now have a new member of the Vota family. Introducing Addi, who joined us in August from a shelter. She is already winning our hearts and showing her water skills on Eastwood Lake.

addi dog