This Photo Almost Got Me Arrested in Lagos, Nigeria

2009 > Nigeria

Honoring the dead with arrest

So I am running along a random street in Lagos, when I see this poster put up to honor the Glorious Exit of Chief Ezekiel Ojo Alabi Farukan of Lagos Nigeria

Thinking its a beautiful way to honor death, I take a photo, and then I hear yelling. A Nigerian policeman is running at me screaming that I cannot take a photo and he needs to see my camera.

Yelling back, I tell him I am respecting the dead, and he should have more respect too. I then I show him what I am photographing, the poster. He demands to see my camera. Just before we were really going to get into it (I was not going to give up my camera) a woman got off a moped and jumped into the debate.

She told the police man he had no right to hassle me. I could take photos if I wanted, especially one honoring the chief. As they argued, I took the opportunity to continued my run.

Just another day in Nigeria