Educational Technology Debate: an expanding community of practice

In May 2009, infoDev at the World Bank launched the Educational Technology Debate in conjunction with Unesco with its first topical discussion, “Are ICTs the Best Educational Investment?” between Tim Kelly of infoDev and Wayan Vota, consultant to infoDev. From this humble beginning, the Educational Technology Debate is now an expanding community of practice. The […]

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Venn Diagram Location of m4D and Apps4D in ICT4D

Recently, Ken Banks put forth an interesting question in his post “Mobile community: The holy grail of m4d?” He essentially asked “Who is the mobile community?” and hinted that there is a lack of clarity in the definition and therefore the need for a specific mobile community. Taking his hint, Nate Barthel suggested we think […]

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How to Blog for Professional Success in International Development

“We need a website. Who wants to figure that out?” says my new boss in the very first staff meeting I attend on the very first day of my new job. “I will,” I answered, and so in 1995, I started blogging, before there was even a term for it. Blogging got me on 60 […]

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Facebook Welcomes Wayan Vota to World’s Largest Social Network

Washington, D.C. — December 1, 2009 — Facebook today announced that Wayan Vota, the last social networking expert without an active Facebook account, has finally acquiesced to the need to be “friended” by those known and unknown to him through the world’s largest social networking site. See Wayan Vota’s Facebook here

“We are honored that Wayan Vota got off his high horse and accepted the reality that Facebook is driving adoption in Africa. To continue to lead an exploration at the intersection of technology and international development, he needed to have a presence with us,” said Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.* “We’ve worked hard to bring more than 200 million people – 70 percent outside of the U.S. – onto Facebook to share with friends, family and co-workers. Wayan Vota represents the pinnacle of that effort.”

Wayan Vota concours, “It was time that I entered the Facebook. I am excited to expand its ability to connect and share with thought leaders in both the information and communication technology (ICT) industry and the international development community. This will be a wonderful voyage of discovery for both initiatives.”

Wayan Vota will continue his work with Inveneo – a social enterprise that puts the tools of ICT (like Facebook) in the hands of those who need it most in the developing world. In fact, he’s already developed the ICTworks presence on Facebook to empower Inveneo’s Certified ICT Partners in 21 countries across Africa and South Asia.

About Wayan Vota
Wayan Vota starting blogging from before it was a word and now publishes seven different websites and commands LinkedIn, Flickr, YouTube, and Twitter from his world headquarters in Washington DC.

About Facebook
Founded in February 2004, Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. Anyone can sign up for Facebook and interact with the people they know in a trusted environment. Facebook is a privately held company and is headquartered in Palo Alto, Calif.

*To the best of Wayan’s knowledge, Mark Zuckerberg has no clue who Wayan Vota is.

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RTFail Manifesto: Use New Retweets, We Unfollow You!

At the end of November, Twitter came out with a new retweet feature that supposedly solved a number of problems with the usage of retweets (RT) on Twitter

It is our stated option that the new RT is service degradation. So we hereby issue the #RTFail Manifesto:

RTFAIL Manifesto If you use new RT function, you are on my unfollow shortlist. I wanna see your face and added value in tweet

That’s right – if we follow you, and you use the auto RT function 3 times (you will be warned) then you’re unfollowed. Love ya, but no exceptions. The new RT’s are Twitter spam, and until they are fixed, they shall be scorned in streams and in apps (looking at you Tweetie2).
For those that agree – join us in the #RTFail Manifesto in these simple ways:

We are the Twitter RT’ers and we demand annotated RT’s

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