Russians Blew up the US Embassy!

Safety is high on the minds of everyone these dayz The usual mess Ok, so Boris, you hold that end while Sveta, here, will test the rocket with the safety on. Nothing. Ok, .now with the safety off.. Spring (and Easter) is here! Life goes on for the kids How…

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It’s Dacha Time Again

Spring is here cuz it is Dacha Time again! A little early for the beach The fearless crew… Snow is still on the ground, the trees are still brown, and I still haven’t seen the first mini-skirt of spring, but the 1999 Dacha Season started this weekend! Yesterday I went…

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I Love Me a Starlite Diner

If you visit Moscow, you will wind up here at least once! Ya know that scene in Pulp Fiction, where John Travolta and Uma Thurmon are sitting in JackRabbit Slim’s, and Uma orders the “Five Dollar Shake”? Remember how Travolta was shocked at the price, then tried the shake, and…

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Anything Goes at Night

With this kinda night life, why wake up before midnight? Getting warmed up… warmer.. starting to cook.. coming up to a boil.. err, peaking… and burnt. Ah, the night life of Moscow! As far as I can tell that is the main reason quite a number of expats stay here…

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Yesho Piedesat Gram Vodkoo

How to drink a liter of Vodka and still make it to work. I swear this was the only time! Teaching Flat Jon a few bad habits Those who lead the way Another one down the hatch Wow, what a night! I’ve just come home from a night of fun…

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