Minding the Future in Myrtle Beach

Al smiles on the beach

For six months, Amy and I have not left Hanalei’s side. For six months, we have traded off parenting roles, day and night. For six months, we showed our love though our presence. Yet this weekend, we have tossed all that aside.

For two blissful days, amy And I have abandoned our child. We’re in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for a wedding, while Hanalei is back in Washington, DC. Yet do not fear for her, do not fret that she is truly left hone alone. She’s being watched closely and safely by Amy’s parents.

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Running Past My First Father’s Day

Best use of a bike lane

Today is the first of what I hope to be many happy Father’s Days. And even though she is too young to tell me what she’d do for this special day, I knew what would make both of us happy: a long run through Petworth.

No, Hanalei isn’t running yet – she gets the easy ride in a baby jogger. Better yet, in the car seat, in the baby jogger, protected and after the first few blocks, asleep. Then its up to daddy to keep the speed, so she can have a cool breeze while she sleeps.

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Putting Pride into Petworth Medians

Thanks for the attention!

This morning, my Councilmember Muriel Bowser took time out from her busy schedule to meet with community members around the construction of Petworth Medians so they can support trees and community-maintained plantings.

For those that are following along, New Hampshire Avenue is getting a nice brick & granite median from around Park Road all the way to Grant Circle. So far,construction is proceeding from Georgia to Grant Circle, but some in Petworth have an issue with the way it was proceeding. The medians were not being excavated to a depth that would support trees, per the original design, and plants and shrubbery, per community desires.

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Help for My Green Thumb: Ladybugs!

Better than a bath inside

So a while back I decided we needed a garden in our back yard. The first year was very experimental – I even hired a gardener to help Amy and I understand the process. This year, I’m rocking!

I have two raised garden beds here and here that have exploded with greenery with an amazingly wet spring. I have lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, and beets all reaching for the sky as they put down roots in the amazing Smartleaf compost.

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New Yorkers Love Hanalei Stockard Vota

Making friends at Starbucks

I’m not sure when I realized that New Yorkers love my daughter, Hanalei. Maybe it was the cab drivers, always willing to wait while I buckled in her car seat. Maybe it was the waitress who made space for her stroller at the table. Or maybe it was when the cute college girls stopped everything and played with Hanalei at Starbucks.

Yeah, that was it. When I could get random women to put away their iPhones and boyfriends to babysit my daughter in a busy Starbucks, I knew she’d won the hearts and minds of the Big Apple.

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